Tuesday, September 11, 2007

photography ads

Take a second look cause these are not invites to someones wedding, but they could be! For those of you who didn't know... Pink Piggy also does designs for business advertising. Don't these ads look so sleek and classy! These are actually some ads that I designed for my friend Jason with Jason McGrew Photography. He passed these unique ads out at the Bridal Extravaganza show last weekend. I just love the way that these cards turned out! I designed them using a graphite shine outer pocket envelope to hold the ads and business card together. I added kind of a funky floral design to the cards to set them off and give them a really edgy modern look. To top it all of they were sealed with silver wax and an "m" seal which was the ultimate touch in classiness! I love combining modern designs with some traditional touches to give an over all custom look and feel. These not so average ads are sure to turn some heads!

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